digitaldownpour's pick of the night

Well, here's something that will cheer you up, or maybe it won't, but at least it will let you wallow to the sad and beautiful music that is Iron & Wine. The band is made up of singer-songwriter Sam Beam and perhaps a few of his friends and they'll be playing some mournful, southern folk at La Sala Rossa tonight. The tickets are 12 bucks which is a pretty good deal if you ask me.
Still not convinced? You can listen to a sample of their music here.
ah crud

Talk about disapointing.
I voted today. Did you?
But election day is only next week, you say. That don't matter. I voted today anyways.
the digitaldownpour movie of the week

What I do find odd, though, is that, according to the internet, this film was rated PG-13 for terror/violence, sensuality and brief language. Hmmm. I guess I must have missed those bits.
god is an acronym

it's fun to say poughkeepsie

Nanook aparently died of starvation shortly after the movie was released while Flaherty went on to, well, make some other great films, I guess.
So it goes.
the digitaldownpour guide to fringing

Step 1. Go to the opening night bash. That would be tonight. It's in the Beer Tent, a.k.a. your new best friend, at the corner of Rachel and St-Laurent. It's a great way to make friends, get drunk and make a fool of yourself right off the bat so as to set the tone for the next ten days. So go.
Step 2. Volunteer. Once you've recovered from opening night, head down to fringe headquarters and sign up as a volunteer. They'll probably remember you as the kid who ran up on stage, yelled something about koala bears and then barfed up all their beer at the party last night, so obviously they'll think you're a perfect addition to their unpayed staff. Volunteering is great fun because for every hour of 'work', you get a fringe buck and four fringe bucks will get you into a play. Yippee!
Step 3. See some plays, dammit. Plays are what the fringe is all about. Well, plays and beer. So go see a couple. The fringe works on a lottery system so that means pretty much anybody can have a play. While this is nice and democratic and all, it means that some of the plays really stink. But there are also some really great plays that don't stink at all and those are the ones you should go see.

So, now that you're all set, get out there and get fringing! And remember, you can't say no to cheap beer. That's just plain rude.
the other digital downpour
I don't know who these guys think they are, but they stole our name.
the digitaldownpour quote of the week
"If you're a documentary filmmaker, you know to learn from your enemies...who happen to be Steven Spielberg."
-my dad, on Gandhi and filmmaking.
-my dad, on Gandhi and filmmaking.
not so bad
so the reception booze wasn't free, but I had a pretty good time nonetheless. I shared a car ride with meagan follows (anne of green gables) and ron mann (grass, comic book confidential). all in all, not a bad night.