the end is extremely fucking nigh
digital downpour is over, in practice if not in spirit. this blog is just too cold and spatious for one person alone so i'm moving out. my new home is at simianuprising.com/mira. it is as of yet untitled and a little rough around the edges in design but i'm sure, with time, it'll grow on you.
and just a reminder that our old friend allie is settled in quite happily at notabeauty.blogspot.com though she's always been a beauty in our books.
so goodbye digitaldownpour. this era is officially over. though if ever you're hungering for a little of that sexy bubble wrap backdrop, then don't fret 'cause the old digidown will live on, taking up valuable web space for generations to come.

and just a reminder that our old friend allie is settled in quite happily at notabeauty.blogspot.com though she's always been a beauty in our books.
so goodbye digitaldownpour. this era is officially over. though if ever you're hungering for a little of that sexy bubble wrap backdrop, then don't fret 'cause the old digidown will live on, taking up valuable web space for generations to come.