the end is extremely fucking nigh
digital downpour is over, in practice if not in spirit. this blog is just too cold and spatious for one person alone so i'm moving out. my new home is at simianuprising.com/mira. it is as of yet untitled and a little rough around the edges in design but i'm sure, with time, it'll grow on you.
and just a reminder that our old friend allie is settled in quite happily at notabeauty.blogspot.com though she's always been a beauty in our books.
so goodbye digitaldownpour. this era is officially over. though if ever you're hungering for a little of that sexy bubble wrap backdrop, then don't fret 'cause the old digidown will live on, taking up valuable web space for generations to come.

and just a reminder that our old friend allie is settled in quite happily at notabeauty.blogspot.com though she's always been a beauty in our books.
so goodbye digitaldownpour. this era is officially over. though if ever you're hungering for a little of that sexy bubble wrap backdrop, then don't fret 'cause the old digidown will live on, taking up valuable web space for generations to come.

dix à douze

the gaze

I met Al Maysles today. Now I know how he charms his way into getting anyyone from Mick Jagger to Marlon Brando let him tell their story on film. His eyes just pierce right through to your soul and you have no choice but to trust him with it.
On what Tolstoy would say upon realizing the power of cinematic storytelling: "My goodness! I have to put down my pen and paper...and pick up a camera."
On his life full of coincidences which led him to make What's Happening? The Beatles in the USA: "It was 1964 and I just happened to pick up the phone when this British Television station was calling. And they said: "The Beatles are going to be on Ed Sullivan tonight, do you want to film them?" And I turned to David and said "Who are the Beatles? Are they any good?" and luckily he knew and we ended up making the film."
On the strictly fly on the wall observation of cinema direct: "All rules prevail. That is until you have to put them aside."
rainy day habitat
acceptable risk
okay, so i've gotten some complaints lately about not updating the blog very often. (or maybe it was just the one). in any case, i've admitedly been slacking since allie packed up her bags for p-town and quit the internet for good, so here's a meta-post to make up for recent lack.
real-life updates:
i'm going to niagara falls on monday for a week to film 24 kids with a variety of learning disbilities as they tear up the tourist attractions with their zany humour and twelve year old smiles. i already have a buddy for the bus ride down. her name is emilie and aparently she is bringing games, so prediction: FUN.
internet video of the week:
if you haven't been keeping track of the number one corporate-identity thieves lately and their antics for social change, then get a load of this. the yes men are touring business meetings and conventions getting suits of all trades to sign up for the 'Acceptable Risk Calculator' which, according to the posing Dow representatives, "helps businesses determine the exact point where human casualties will start to cut into profit". watch.
music i'm listening to (right now!):
new partner by palace music. plus its off of a mix cd which is the best way to listen to anything ever.
pretentious photo with external meaning assigned:

current mood: forgiving
real-life updates:
i'm going to niagara falls on monday for a week to film 24 kids with a variety of learning disbilities as they tear up the tourist attractions with their zany humour and twelve year old smiles. i already have a buddy for the bus ride down. her name is emilie and aparently she is bringing games, so prediction: FUN.
internet video of the week:
if you haven't been keeping track of the number one corporate-identity thieves lately and their antics for social change, then get a load of this. the yes men are touring business meetings and conventions getting suits of all trades to sign up for the 'Acceptable Risk Calculator' which, according to the posing Dow representatives, "helps businesses determine the exact point where human casualties will start to cut into profit". watch.
music i'm listening to (right now!):
new partner by palace music. plus its off of a mix cd which is the best way to listen to anything ever.
pretentious photo with external meaning assigned:

current mood: forgiving
moving day : soon

quick thinking

taken by former blogger allie
causality of wellness

fever dreams
Day One: 39.3ºC
Day Two: 39.4ºC
Day Three: 39.7ºC
Day Four: 36.3ºC
Day Five: 37.0ºC
Day Six: 37.3ºC
So why do I still feel like I'll never get better?
Every Tuesday I see a middle aged couple waiting in line for the shuttle bus. They hold hands and smile at each other until the bus comes, then they walk to the door where the woman gets on and part reluctantly. She always turns around to wave goodbye from the top step and he always waits until the bus has pulled away from the curb before walking into the hall building, just to be sure that she's safe on her way.
I used to think this was sweet, but now I've decided that love is an illusion which only lasts so long as both people are comfortable believing in a lie.

Day Two: 39.4ºC
Day Three: 39.7ºC
Day Four: 36.3ºC
Day Five: 37.0ºC
Day Six: 37.3ºC
So why do I still feel like I'll never get better?
Every Tuesday I see a middle aged couple waiting in line for the shuttle bus. They hold hands and smile at each other until the bus comes, then they walk to the door where the woman gets on and part reluctantly. She always turns around to wave goodbye from the top step and he always waits until the bus has pulled away from the curb before walking into the hall building, just to be sure that she's safe on her way.
I used to think this was sweet, but now I've decided that love is an illusion which only lasts so long as both people are comfortable believing in a lie.
how much are YOU worth?
Just as a reference:
And we didn't even have to make this up.
kind of drunk

best of tv retrospective
this morning, allie and I were discussing our favourite childhood television programs and these are a few we think should be back on the air:
As far as fantastic television from the 80's goes, Today's Special takes the cake. That is if you can get past the creepy dancing mannequin factor and the fact that there's a rhyming mouse named Muffy. But seriously, can't you just picture a new after hours installment of the show where Jodie and Jeff finally get it on?
Have you met the Smoggies?
We love the soot and grime,
We make the whole world dirty,
And we have a real good time.
We love to make things messy,
Just as dirty as can be,
And you can bet we'll mess you up ecologically!
Now that is a catchy theme song!
Then of course there's Fraggle Rock. I mean, everyone just loves the fraggles so enough said.
Now these are obviously just morning shows cause otherwise the muppet show tonight would be right up there at the top.
And speaking of kids tv shows, did you know that Mark Mothersbaugh composed the score for the rugrats? What and interestin career path that guy has had.

We love the soot and grime,
We make the whole world dirty,
And we have a real good time.
We love to make things messy,
Just as dirty as can be,
And you can bet we'll mess you up ecologically!
Now that is a catchy theme song!

Now these are obviously just morning shows cause otherwise the muppet show tonight would be right up there at the top.
And speaking of kids tv shows, did you know that Mark Mothersbaugh composed the score for the rugrats? What and interestin career path that guy has had.
spot the difference

Whoever spots it first wins... A BRAND NEW CAR*!
*car may not be quite so new and may more likely not be a car at all, but a mug with a picture of a cat on it. we think that's just as awesome.
pants off party

So whoever wasn't at the kidnapper films screening last night is a tool. That's all. You just missed out.
for everything else

Homemade curry dip ingredients: 6$
Bottle of Rosé: 11$
Half a sandwich from Santropol: 4$
Getting tipsy at your teacher's house and probably doing something stupid that you may or may not remember: Priceless